A refreshing, new approach to children’s spirituality, it is inclusive and accessible to all faiths and none, respects the smallest glimpse of spirituality and the hope and challenge that it brings.
Using a symbolic model, the weekend will focus on 3 areas and how these can come together to bring hope and change for children, support healing especially for those impacted by developmental trauma, and offering insight to adults whatever their role or ministry.
1.Play: Explore theories of play and the key role it plays in children’s lives. How we can support and value it within our ministry settings using sand, plasticine, music and much more.
2.Spirituality: Explore our own understanding of spirituality and faith through story, reflection and response. Use a creative tool to recognise and respect children’s spirituality in all its different dimensions.
3.Relationship: Reflect on the importance and healing potential of our relationship with the children that we encounter and the implications and practical outcomes of that reflection.
Jenny is a parent and grandparent with a lifelong commitment to working with children in church, school, and community contexts. 10 years as the Children's Advisor in the Diocese of Sheffield, a trainer on the Aurora Children's Ministry course, she is a Godly Play storyteller and a Certified Play Therapist working with children with various emotional and behavioural issues.
Jenny completed her MA researching into children's spirituality within play therapy which resulted in ‘Embracing Children’s Spirituality’ a book full of creative activities, reflection and story.
Jenny has a special interest in sandplay therapy.
The Space, supported by Shiregreen URC, offers play therapy to children and young people locally as part of its outreach to the community.
Further details at:
You will be introduced to the concept of a ‘glisp’- a glimpse of spirituality, recorded in colour and shape in a creative and playful way that can bring a new perspective.
‘Jenny has a real depth of experience as a thinker and practitioner, and her concept of ‘glisps’ is a wonderful way to see sparks of spirituality in children, even in the simplest things. I love glisps, and we all need to be looking out for them in our children as we help them grow spiritually’. Nick Harding, (Former Children’s Ministry Advisor, Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham, Author & Spring Harvest speaker).
‘THANK YOU for such a wonderful, thought-provoking, inspirational weekend ... you made me laugh, you challenged me to really think about my role and how we work with children, you moved me to tears too!’ Sue Mitchell, Children and Families Missioner, Diocese of Liverpool, (commenting on first Let Us Play! weekend).
If you would like more information about the course, contact Jenny at jennytimeandspace@btinternet.com or 07748841087